Friday, July 24, 2015
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Egyptians are currently facing massacre and fright since their government was foreclosed by the military last month. At the outset, the ousted president Dr Muhammad Morsi has been elected by people to form a fresh government last year through free and fair elections before being overthrown by unscrupulous parties. This has adversely affected the democratic process in Egypt.
In Uganda, for instance, after a military coup in 1971, Obote - the executive president at that time - was deposed from power and the dictator Idi Amin seized control of the country. Idi ruled Uganda with the military for the next eight years and carried out mass killings within the country to maintain his rule.
An estimated 300,000 Ugandans lost their lives at the hands of this regime, many of them in the north who were associated with Obote's loyalists. Aside from his brutalities, Idi forcibly removed the entrepreneurial South Asian minority from Uganda, which left the country's economy in ruins.
In Zimbabwe, likewise, when Robert Mugabe took over the rule, the Matabeleland Massacre took place from 1982 until 1985. It has been estimated that at least 20,000 Matabele were murdered and tens of thousands of others were tortured in military internment camps. The slaughter only ended after all parties reached a unity agreement in 1988 that merged all respective political parties, creating the Zimbabwe African Union-Patriotic Front.
Having said that, we should take heed of what had happened as mentioned. In other words, the democratic process should be given a chance to solve uncertainty in order to avoid Egyptians from being left far behind and a return to the dark ages. It is because the coup d'etat effort would obviously restrict the people from strengthening the "democracy" to encourage freedom in general and justice in particular.
In essence, Morsi should be released from illegal detention and given opportunity to be in power. Otherwise, it will affect adversely on the lives of all Egyptians in terms of freedom of speech, peaceful gatherings and an unbiased mass media.
There are several possible conclusions from these findings, but most importantly, it is bewildering that Malaysia remains silent when other countries have shown their position by expressing condemnation to the carnage.
The latest of which is Turkey, which has urged the United Nations Security Council to take decisive action against the crackdown and violence by security forces during the clash.
Besides, Ecuador as well as several countries have taken the urgent step of recalling their respective ambassadors in Egypt for consultations on Wednesday after Egyptian security forces crushed the protest camps of Morsi supporters, then shooting nearly 600 of them dead.
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Tuesday, April 10, 2012
I refer to the reports late Thursday over the iron ore project issue in Teluk Rubiah, Lumut, Perak which have been highlighted by various Medias. Even though, detail explanation was given by Chief Minister to clarify the issue, I felt responsible to point out my personal view from investment and industry perspective. Indeed, I was saddened and disappointed when realizing that this project was manipulated by certain stakeholders ostensibly will bring pollution to the environment resulting from uncertainty situation and dispute among people.
As one of the society members, I have nothing to against the project as both present and previous governments agreed to provide full support and facility due to the spin-offs of the project to the state. People particularly Manjung folk should support any kinds of effort to bring investment that offer high impact to broaden and strengthen the economic base of the state, provide job opportunities and create wealth for the benefit of the community.
In the initial stage, the Brazilian base company, Vale International which was founded in 1942 and employing 70,785 people worldwide had identified a few potential locations in various nations such as Thailand, Indonesia, Philippine and Malaysia as well. After identification and evaluation process completed, the company ultimately decided to choose Malaysia as a location to bring high quality iron ore from Brazil to be placed in Teluk Rubiah, Perak as a distribution hub due to Perak was the only state that capable to facilitate and fulfill their requirements compared to other states.
Hence, Perak State Government as well as InvestPerak was instrumental in ensuring that the 1.4 bil USD project (first phase) will be located in Perak. Without inadequate infrastructure and serious commitment from State Agencies, people’s hope to see Perak to be an ASEAN regional hub as well as Asia Pacific for high quality iron ore distribution centre in future is impossible and just daydream at noon.
Summing up the discussion, everybody should play their role to deliver accurate information among people. The lack of awareness and the scarcity of information will affect government aspiration to increase the growing pace of trade and investment in each sectors ranging from high value manufacturing to integrated agriculture and aquaculture. At the end of the day people will enjoy excitement from tangible success of the government transformation programmes when Malaysia advances into developed nation by 2020.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sometimes, we don't ever think to be somebody in our life. During my lifetime for instance, I never thought that I will be joining a career as teacher one day due to job difficulties. In fact, even though 'teaching' is one of the most honorable job, but I still can't afford to claim such occupation as one of the most preferable job in my ambitions list.
However, as human being, we just manage to plan what we would like to be but Allah is everything. He knows what the best for his slaves and He can afford to determine their fate and destiny. By His wisdom, I was destined to be a teacher, something unprecedented and unpremeditated before. But knowing that no all could be a teacher, I'm very thankful to Allah for giving me such valuable experience even just for two months.
Last but not least, to all my colleagues, remain consistent with "never give up attitude" and be optimist in particular in educating our Muslim generation, and to all my beloved students, study hard and always aim to be brilliant and successful in life. My pray, I hope brightness of your brain, maturity of your emotion, and nobility of your characters are nurtured. amiiin...
Especially to 2 EPISCIA, 2 MAWAR, 2 ANGGERIK, 1 EPISCIA, 1 AKASIA and all students SMK BANDAR BARU PUTRA, Good Luck and I love you all so much… =)
Saturday, February 5, 2011

I was just reading Guardian over the Egyptian fury which has been killing hundreds of people. The Egyptian capital was the scene of violent chaos when anti-government protesters stoned and confronted police, who fire back with rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannon. The riot worsens after pro-mubarak supporters intervene amid turmoil and let the uncertainty condition seems unpredictable.
I was stunned to learn Mubarak had yesterday insisted not to resign from his post and ostensibly would do so by next September after holding a new election to appoint new successor in order to woo people’s trust after failed to deliver on promises he made in various general elections before. However, its unable to let up protesters intention as the newly reform plan proposed by him is nothing but a gimmick and they are continuously marching in Alexandria, Cairo, Suez and Tahrir Square indicated that they would not be taken by such gimmicks and ridiculous pledges.
Referring to the largest rally yesterday which was namely ‘’Day of Departure’’, millions of people gathered instantly after performing Jumaat prayer and the group united in a move to oust their current president and called him to step down with immediate effect and abide by people’s demand. The rally led by Muslim Brotherhood and Pro-Democracy Movement including Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Mohamed Mustafa ElBaradei seems to have an edge after they managed to influent people to remain protest and not to join any dialog and discussion unless Mubarak announce to step down and leave Egypt immediately.
Based on this uncertainty situation, Mubarak has to respect people’s insistence. Although there are nobody would like to make chaos and homicides as well as we have to be mindful of the laws of our country and should not be carried away with our emotions but the resignation of Mubarak is definitely more preferable and more important than uplifting people’s uprising. Also, in the name of freedom and democracy, he has to take responsible action and return his power to the people for the sake of Egypt.
Hopefully by the resignation of Mubarak later, Egypt could afford to reform economic recession and seek to eliminate misuse of power which includes kickbacks, bribes, embezzlement, and other forms of official corruption gradually as strategic action to bring citizen to live in civility, peacefulness, and prosperity.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I would like to use this opportunity to discuss about the idea of this book that I have read it a few weeks ago. The book written by Dato’ Shukor Omar is a one of my favorite books that I have ever read during my lifetime.
According to his writing, he would like to address the broader picture of the Malays and their business life. The development of Malay entrepreneurship in the past was thwarted by colonialism. Western colonialism had ended free trade and the spirit of entrepreneurship for the early Malay traders and Malay society at large. They continued to seek new opportunities to expand their economic interest, possibly through higher social status acquired from increased wealth derived from new colonies.
The Culture of the Malays and their failure to acquire Islamic values compatible to the values of success had contributed to their failure in business life. Being Muslim, Malay economic and political survival cannot be divorced from other Muslim-dominated states in this era of globalization and the bigger issue of Islamic unity.
The call for Muslim solidarity had been long recognized by Muslim community leaders. Finally, the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) was formed in 1972 with its headquarters in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Muslim majority countries are loosely affiliated through the OIC and are mainly dominated by Arabic speaking nations. Arabs have a superiority complex over non-Arabs speaking Muslim countries of Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Nigeria and others.
The billions of US dollars accumulated from the oil wealth of the OIC countries only suggest that a divided wealth and the monopolization of wealth by some ‘Prince’ and ‘Emirs’ are of no help to Islamic unity and economic strength. The only power that the OIC has is the ‘oil power’, which should be used to the common benefit of the ummah, while its sovereignty is still in tact.
Meanwhile, the author also proposes a model for the development of successful entrepreneurship. Understanding the basic theories may help to advance understanding of the subject and its requirements for successful entrepreneurship.
As a conclusion, the future of the Malays lies in their character and personal integrity compatible to the values of success. No amount of economic assistance could redeem their failure in business unless the transformation of their character and values take place. The Malays must learn and discover themselves from the inside out. Any change must come from the inside of the individual, not by being forced from the outside if its to be long lasting and meaningful. These requirements will spur Malay survival and success in terms of their spiritual, political and socioeconomic well-being.
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